Revenue Management

Your TRUE revenue experts. We develop a strong sales plan combined with a strong marketing plan to optimize your revenue.

No hidden fees

We develop a personalized plan for each client based on their own specific needs, such as:

  • Location
  • Availability
  • Concept
  • Price Range
  • Meal Plans

We offer to our hotels clients commission rates based on sales and sales only. With no hidden fees, annual or monthly quotes.

If you make a sale, we make a sale!

Yield Management

With more than 20 years of experience in the hotel & tourism business, we develop a perfect pricing strategy based on understanding and anticipating the market and consumers behavior.

In a market that is in constant changing we forecast the worst/best scenarios possibles to be ahead of our competitors and never loose a booking. The tourism business is a growing market, so everything, from a new hotel development opening nearby, the money market exchange, the global economy or a possible climate change or a natural catastrophe can directly affect your business and your price range.

We make adjustments on the daily basis to forecast all outcomes possible. And with this, be able to ensure a 90% annual occupancy rate for your hotel. Which is why True Consulting is the best in the biz.

Occupancy Rates

Anual Occupancy Rate 90%
High Season Rate 99%
Low Season Rate 70%

Stop wasting money on payroll!

With the services of True Consulting you’ll stop wasting money on payroll on your sales & e commerce department. We absorb the costs for you!